Asbestos removal: A guide for homeowners

Feb 18, 2023

A close up a window

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a generic term that refers to a group of mineral fibers that is nonflammable, durable, and was used in the past as building material for insulation, flooring for homes and buildings. All types and any amount of asbestos are dangerous if exposed, and they will generally not result in any immediate symptoms, which could lead to long-term exposure, taking as long as 10 years to be noticed.

What are the health risks of asbestos?

In addition to duration, the severity of harm depends on your age, family history and the current state of your health as well. Over time, prolonged exposure could lead to lung cancer or scarring of the lungs, known as asbestosis. Thankfully, asbestos can be measured and identified.

How does vermiculite relate to asebstos?

Some products that were made with vermiculite in the past (as late as the early 1990s) contained asbestos, therefore they are often found together.

Risks during renovation

In some cases, carelessly removing asbetos from buildings could release them in the air and lead to exposure. If you reside in an old house and want to renovate your house, you may be surprised to how muh asbestos had been used in the construction of your home.

Planning ahead

If you are unsure or concerned about having asbestos in your building, contact our team at A&D Demolition. We offer free asbestos sampling and testing for renovations and can help you identify and safely remove these materials.