The dangers of asbestos related diseases can’t be stressed enough. The substance, also known as the Hidden Killer, is still responsible for many fatalities every year. We talked a little about mesothelioma before. It is the one of the most common diseases related to asbestos, and very fatal. However, it is not the only one. To help you understand a bit more about some of the other ways that asbestos can impact your health, we prepared some information for you.
How does it happen?
When inhaled, asbestos fibres can reach the lungs. Once there, they will be treated by the organ as a foreign body. This is a reaction from the immune system and can lead to inflammation and tissue damage. Since the fibre can stay for years or decades inside the person’s lungs, it can lead to more serious conditions. Asbestos related diseases include asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural effusion, lung cancer and mesothelioma. There is no safe level of asbestos exposure. Even a small amount of it can lead to problems in the future. However, the more asbestos you inhale, the more likely it will lead to problems in the future
Some of the symptoms for those conditions are shortness of breath; a constant cough that gets worse over time; chest pain; difficulty to swallow; fatigue; loss of weight and appetite. Obviously, the origin of those symptoms can only be discovered by a doctor and with proper tests. But it’s important to keep an eye out for those symptoms. Specially if you know that you’ve been exposed to asbestos in the past. Note that it’s common for asbestos related diseases to only manifest themselves many years after the exposure.
The best way to avoid having a condition caused by asbestos is to avoid contact with the material. Asbestos fibres are commonly released into the air when people discover it in their homes or offices during renovations and demolitions. You can avoid this contact by hiring a high quality asbestos removal service. A&D Demolition gives you the opportunity to hire a skilled team of professionals that are going to deal with your asbestos problems with safety. Ask for a free site evaluation.